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Hailing from Hokkaido, Japan, Cocona Hiraki is a rare multi-talent who’s no stranger to clinching podium spots. Despite her age, the young ripper already boasts an insane portfolio: Olympic medals? You bet! Cocona earned silver in Skateboard Women’s Park at the Tokyo 2020 games at age 12, setting the record for youngest Japanese Olympian in summer competitions. X Games medals? She’s already got several, including gold from X Games Japan 2023! Not to forget winning the Japanese National Championships and the 2023 WST World Championship. Aside from crushing podiums, Cocona just wants to get on her skateboard and send it with style, speed, and finesse. Now that she’s leveled up to full Monster Energy team status, she’s on a mission to shred any place, any spot, any terrain. Watch closely for Cocona!

Cocona Hiraki
  • Japan
生年月日 : 2008-08-26

Hailing from Hokkaido, Japan, Cocona Hiraki is a rare multi-talent who’s no stranger to clinching podium spots. Despite her age, the young ripper already boasts an insane portfolio: Olympic medals? You bet! Cocona earned silver in Skateboard Women’s Park at the Tokyo 2020 games at age 12, setting the record for youngest Japanese Olympian in summer competitions. X Games medals? She’s already got several, including gold from X Games Japan 2023! Not to forget winning the Japanese National Championships and the 2023 WST World Championship. Aside from crushing podiums, Cocona just wants to get on her skateboard and send it with style, speed, and finesse. Now that she’s leveled up to full Monster Energy team status, she’s on a mission to shred any place, any spot, any terrain. Watch closely for Cocona!

Skateboard [カテゴリー]News

Action / Skateboard


2024-06-19T15:00:00Z --
Action / Skateboard
Introducing Cocona HIraki - 開心那を紹介しよう。

五輪銀メダルからX Games金メダルまで、15歳の開心那はまさに本物だ。

2024-04-15T07:00:00Z -- Skateboarding
Action / Skateboard
Day 3 | X Games California 2023

南カリフォルニアで再び有観客で開催された大会は、歴史的なパフォーマンス、サヨナラ勝利、前人未到のトリックなど、すべてが揃っていた。世界トップクラスのBMX、スケートボード、Moto Xアスリートたちに敬意を表したい。

2023-07-24T07:00:00Z -- BMX, Skateboarding
Unleash the Beast!

