Ganzer Roster

What’s your favorite event or festival to perform at? Big Day Out, Primavera Sound, Mad Cool What’s your favorite city / place to perform in? Barcelona Do you have a favorite career moment / highlight? Coachella, Lollapalooza, Governor's Ball Do you have any rituals or routines you have to do before performing? I make sure my mask is dry What year did you sign with Monster? 2009

The Bloody Beetroots
  • United States
Geburtsdatum : 2005-12-31
Lieblingsgeschmack: The Original Green Monster Energy

What’s your favorite event or festival to perform at? Big Day Out, Primavera Sound, Mad Cool What’s your favorite city / place to perform in? Barcelona Do you have a favorite career moment / highlight? Coachella, Lollapalooza, Governor's Ball Do you have any rituals or routines you have to do before performing? I make sure my mask is dry What year did you sign with Monster? 2009


Krall Dir eine Dose Monster Energy! Das gewaltigste Energy-Präparat auf diesem Planeten.
