Gesamtes Team

Rayssa Leal entered into the viral media hall of fame in 2015 when, at the age of seven, a clip of her heelflipping a three-stair spread like wildfire... oh, and she was wearing a fairy outfit. She may have since outgrown her "Heelflip Fairy Girl" image, but Leal continues to turn heads. In July 2019, she became the youngest skater ever to take first place at Street League — she was 11.Leal has only really been competing since late 2018, but her number of podium placements were truly shocking for a ten-year-old. At this point, we're only seeing Leal at the beginning stages of her prowess; as she progresses, the whole world will realize that fairies are real.

Rayssa Leal
  • Brazil
Geburtsdatum : 2008-01-04
Lieblingssorte: Zero-Sugar Ultra Watermelon

Rayssa Leal entered into the viral media hall of fame in 2015 when, at the age of seven, a clip of her heelflipping a three-stair spread like wildfire... oh, and she was wearing a fairy outfit. She may have since outgrown her "Heelflip Fairy Girl" image, but Leal continues to turn heads. In July 2019, she became the youngest skater ever to take first place at Street League — she was 11.Leal has only really been competing since late 2018, but her number of podium placements were truly shocking for a ten-year-old. At this point, we're only seeing Leal at the beginning stages of her prowess; as she progresses, the whole world will realize that fairies are real.

Skateboard News

Action / Skateboard
2024 Monster Skate Tour angekündigt

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2024-04-03T23:00:00Z -- Skateboarding
Action / Skateboard
Rayssa Leal - Aus Brasilien in die Welt

Gefilmt und geschnitten von Marco Savino, mit Gastauftritten von Monster Energy Team-Fahrern: Nyjah Huston, Giovanni Vianna, Filipe Mota, Jhancarlos Gonzalez, Marek Zaprazny, Gabriel Fortunato, Jorge Simoes, und Luiz Francisco.

2024-03-08T05:00:00Z -- Skateboarding
Action / Skateboard
Aurelien Giraud belegt bei SLS Paris 2024 ersten Platz im Skateboard Street der Männer

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2024-02-26T08:00:00Z -- Skateboarding
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