Full Roster

Where are you from? Born in Ukraine and raised in California. Best part about being a Monster Girl? Being able to travel and be a part of amazing events. Monster Energy has become like my family, there are just so many great people Favorite Monster Energy Events? It’s hard to pick. I really love the music events and Doonies II was pretty epic. Craziest Monster Girl Moment? Getting to ride shotgun in a trophy truck. Best or Most Memorable Monster Fan Moment? I had a few fans gift me some lion art, it was really sweet that they knew it was my favorite animal. Longest Distance Traveled as a Monster Girl? The Bahamas! What did you want to be when you were little? I always wanted to be in front of the camera!

  • United States

Where are you from? Born in Ukraine and raised in California. Best part about being a Monster Girl? Being able to travel and be a part of amazing events. Monster Energy has become like my family, there are just so many great people Favorite Monster Energy Events? It’s hard to pick. I really love the music events and Doonies II was pretty epic. Craziest Monster Girl Moment? Getting to ride shotgun in a trophy truck. Best or Most Memorable Monster Fan Moment? I had a few fans gift me some lion art, it was really sweet that they knew it was my favorite animal. Longest Distance Traveled as a Monster Girl? The Bahamas! What did you want to be when you were little? I always wanted to be in front of the camera!

Unleash The Beast!

Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy.
