Full Roster

Ruling like a true warrior, Sc0ut's dedication towards the game is real. Often referred to as one of the best Indian players. Sc0ut mainly is a Scouter, flanker, and assaulter. He is one of the biggest influencers in the Indian gaming community - he knows his objective, he knows his skills, he knows the way and he knows how to conquer!

  • India
Date Established : 1899-12-31
Favorite Flavor: The Original Green Monster Energy

Ruling like a true warrior, Sc0ut's dedication towards the game is real. Often referred to as one of the best Indian players. Sc0ut mainly is a Scouter, flanker, and assaulter. He is one of the biggest influencers in the Indian gaming community - he knows his objective, he knows his skills, he knows the way and he knows how to conquer!

Gaming [category] News

Counter-Strike at Katowice: New Map, New Meta, New Challengers

2023 is set to be quite the novel and exciting year for Counter-Strike. For the first time since the addition of Ancient, Valve implemented significant balance and map pool changes at the end of 2022. What’s more, the two new maps suggest that, for the first time in a while, Valve is looking to continually shake up their flagship FPS—and in turn, shake up the competition.

2023-02-03T08:00:00Z -- Gaming
Matumbaman | TL Legend's Last Dance

“I'll be forgotten in three years, who the [hell] cares.” Those were Lasse “MATUMBAMAN” Urpalainen’s words when asked in an interview what he wants to be remembered for after he retires.

2023-01-31T08:00:00Z -- Gaming
Nikobaby's Hunt for TI Glory

Known for his aggressive gameplay, drawing comparisons to a cold-blooded shark by the Dota 2 community, Nikobaby has been thrusting Alliance ahead in their hunt for glory.

2021-10-06T07:00:00Z -- Gaming
Unleash The Beast!

Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy.
