Full Roster

What’s your favorite event or festival to perform at? Rolling Loud What’s your favorite city / place to perform in? NYC, Atlanta, Houston Do you have a favorite career moment / highlight? Book Tour Do you have any rituals or routines you have to do before performing? Prayer What year did you sign with Monster? 2021 What’s something you’re proud of? Author, radio host, DJ, actor, real estate & car enthusiast

DJ Envy
  • United States
Date Established : 1977-09-03
Favorite Flavor: Zero Ultra a.k.a. The White Monster

What’s your favorite event or festival to perform at? Rolling Loud What’s your favorite city / place to perform in? NYC, Atlanta, Houston Do you have a favorite career moment / highlight? Book Tour Do you have any rituals or routines you have to do before performing? Prayer What year did you sign with Monster? 2021 What’s something you’re proud of? Author, radio host, DJ, actor, real estate & car enthusiast

Unleash The Beast!

Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy.
