Liste complète

DeadlySlob is a well-loved gamer and streamer known for his chill vibe and tactical gameplay, especially in Escape from Tarkov. He’s all about smart strategies, staying calm under pressure, and sharing tips to help others get better. His streams and videos are a mix of intense firefights, survival skills, and just good times with his community. Outside of gaming, Deadly’s a big fan of fishing and the outdoors, which he occasionally talks about on stream. If you’re into relaxed but skilled gameplay and a welcoming vibe, DeadlySlob is the perfect gamer to check out.

Sports électroniques
  • Canada
Date de naissance : 1992-11-27

DeadlySlob is a well-loved gamer and streamer known for his chill vibe and tactical gameplay, especially in Escape from Tarkov. He’s all about smart strategies, staying calm under pressure, and sharing tips to help others get better. His streams and videos are a mix of intense firefights, survival skills, and just good times with his community. Outside of gaming, Deadly’s a big fan of fishing and the outdoors, which he occasionally talks about on stream. If you’re into relaxed but skilled gameplay and a welcoming vibe, DeadlySlob is the perfect gamer to check out.

Sports électroniques Nouvelles : [category]

sports électroniques / Sports électroniques
Tournoi Team Liquid Tidal Clash, présenté par Monster Energy

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sports électroniques / Sports électroniques
Saberlight trouve enfin sa place chez Team Liquid

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sports électroniques / Sports électroniques
Ruler: L'homme qui continue de poursuivre ses rêves

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Libérez la bête!

Plongez dans une canette de la boisson énergisante la plus marginale sur la planète, Monster Energy.
