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Important question: Who are the skaters really pushing the boundaries of women’s street skating today? Looking around the world, the conversation definitely has to include young Rizu ‘Liz’ Akama from Miyagi, Japan. Quietly rising through the ranks, the rookie prefers to let her skating do the talking – and it sure speaks LOUD! Liz can tackle large rails and Hubbas with technical bangers like Barley grinds and frontside feebles. All with enough control and finesse to throw in a revert or shove-it out. On the contest circuit, her consistent style has already earned big-ticket wins in Olympic qualifier events in Rome and Dubai as well as the Street League Select Series contest in Los Angeles. But her skating truly shines in the streets, where Liz perfects the next generation of mind-boggling tech tricks. Stay tuned to witness the next level!

Liz Akama
  • Japan
生年月日 : 2009-01-08
好きなフレーバー: The Original Green Monster Energy

Important question: Who are the skaters really pushing the boundaries of women’s street skating today? Looking around the world, the conversation definitely has to include young Rizu ‘Liz’ Akama from Miyagi, Japan. Quietly rising through the ranks, the rookie prefers to let her skating do the talking – and it sure speaks LOUD! Liz can tackle large rails and Hubbas with technical bangers like Barley grinds and frontside feebles. All with enough control and finesse to throw in a revert or shove-it out. On the contest circuit, her consistent style has already earned big-ticket wins in Olympic qualifier events in Rome and Dubai as well as the Street League Select Series contest in Los Angeles. But her skating truly shines in the streets, where Liz perfects the next generation of mind-boggling tech tricks. Stay tuned to witness the next level!

Skateboard [カテゴリー]News

Action / Skateboard


2024-06-19T15:00:00Z --
Action / Skateboard
Introducing Cocona HIraki - 開心那を紹介しよう。

五輪銀メダルからX Games金メダルまで、15歳の開心那はまさに本物だ。

2024-04-15T07:00:00Z -- Skateboarding
Action / Skateboard
Day 3 | X Games California 2023

南カリフォルニアで再び有観客で開催された大会は、歴史的なパフォーマンス、サヨナラ勝利、前人未到のトリックなど、すべてが揃っていた。世界トップクラスのBMX、スケートボード、Moto Xアスリートたちに敬意を表したい。

2023-07-24T07:00:00Z -- BMX, Skateboarding
Unleash the Beast!

