From Baxter Australia Blake "Bilko" Williams is the multi-time X Games medalist and all around globetrotting FMX rider. Starting off in MX/SX and then moving over to FMX, Bilko found instant success and made his mark debuting on the international stage of X Games in 2006. Since then Blake has been at the forefront of FM globally winning every major event in world as well as being a constant fixture on the Nitro Circus World Tour. Bilko is known as one of the most entertaining and versatile riders in the world, and you never know what he'll do next.
From Baxter Australia Blake "Bilko" Williams is the multi-time X Games medalist and all around globetrotting FMX rider. Starting off in MX/SX and then moving over to FMX, Bilko found instant success and made his mark debuting on the international stage of X Games in 2006. Since then Blake has been at the forefront of FM globally winning every major event in world as well as being a constant fixture on the Nitro Circus World Tour. Bilko is known as one of the most entertaining and versatile riders in the world, and you never know what he'll do next.
2-wiel [category] nieuws

De Monster Energy MXGP Lommel, de dertiende ronde van het 2023 FIM Motocross Wereldkampioenschap, tekende, verzegelde en leverde het resultaat voor duizenden Belgische MX-fans. Romain Febvre en Jago Geerts zetten hun recente zegereeks met onstuitbare kracht voort in Lommel.

Een terugblik op de momenten die het stormachtige seizoen '22 van de MXGP bepaalden.

Tijdens een chaotische Grand Prix van Australië behaalde Lewis Hamilton de eerste podiumplaats van het seizoen voor het team. Lewis Hamilton eindigde als tweede terwijl George Russell zich terugtrok uit de Australische Grand Prix van 2023.