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When we were looking to add to our speedway roster for 2022, there really was only one man for the job.Dan Bewley is a race through and through, and after ditching MX for speedway as a teenager his career has gone from strength to strength. A natural talent on the bike, Dan's able to do things other guys just can't do and his exciting style makes him box office entertainment.His elevation to the Speedway Grand Prix series for this year means we now get to see him on the world stage, and don't be shocked to see him making serious waves at the top table.

2 roți
Dan Bewley
  • United Kingdom
Data nașterii : 1999-05-20
Gustul preferat: The Original Green Monster Energy

When we were looking to add to our speedway roster for 2022, there really was only one man for the job.Dan Bewley is a race through and through, and after ditching MX for speedway as a teenager his career has gone from strength to strength. A natural talent on the bike, Dan's able to do things other guys just can't do and his exciting style makes him box office entertainment.His elevation to the Speedway Grand Prix series for this year means we now get to see him on the world stage, and don't be shocked to see him making serious waves at the top table.

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