In a world of few guarantees, Oscar Piastri winning junior single-seater championships became one of them during his climb up the motorsport ladder. In just three years, the Australian won enough trophies to host his own edition of the Oscars. Across those three seasons, Oscar grabbed the Road to F1 by the scruff of the neck, smashing several records on his way to becoming the first driver to win Formula Renault, Formula 3 and Formula 2 consecutively. After joining McLaren in late 2022, Oscar officially linked up with the team at the end of the F1 season to begin an extensive preparation programme, which included the Abu Dhabi Young Driver Test and private tests. He opted to run #81 on his McLaren car, which was his number in karting.
In a world of few guarantees, Oscar Piastri winning junior single-seater championships became one of them during his climb up the motorsport ladder. In just three years, the Australian won enough trophies to host his own edition of the Oscars. Across those three seasons, Oscar grabbed the Road to F1 by the scruff of the neck, smashing several records on his way to becoming the first driver to win Formula Renault, Formula 3 and Formula 2 consecutively. After joining McLaren in late 2022, Oscar officially linked up with the team at the end of the F1 season to begin an extensive preparation programme, which included the Abu Dhabi Young Driver Test and private tests. He opted to run #81 on his McLaren car, which was his number in karting.
F1 Știri despre [category]

Fiecare vis are nevoie de o echipă. Pentru McLaren, acel vis a fost să câștige Campionatul Constructorilor – o performanță pe care nu o obținuseră în 26 de ani. Cu Lando Norris terminând pe locul 2 în clasamentul piloților și McLaren devenind singura echipă care a evitat un singur DNF tot sezonul, campania din acest an a fost absolut extraordinară.

Marele Premiu al Mexicului s-a transformat într-o confruntare pentru McLaren, în timp ce Lando Norris s-a luptat cu dinții și unghiile pentru a-și asigura locul doi împotriva mișcărilor agresive ale lui Max Verstappen, reducând în cele din urmă diferența de titlu la 47 de puncte. McLaren a oferit o performanță impresionantă într-o cursă cu mize mari, cu seriozitatea și talentul lui Norris pe deplin.

Lando Norris a oferit o performanță de neuitat la Marele Premiu din Singapore din 2024, cimentându-și reputația drept una dintre cele mai strălucitoare vedete din Formula 1. De la stabilirea celui mai rapid tur vineri până la asigurarea pole positionului de sâmbătă și la victoria de duminică, Norris s-a dovedit de neoprit într-un weekend de dominație pură.
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